Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Making your lives simpler by reshaping the Auto Repairing Industry of Pakistan.

A problem free encounter to fill your heart with joy in the groove again.

We are incorporating innovation into auto fixing industry and attempting to inspire the entire business more than ever. On Mechano you can find and associate with accessible Auto fixing administrations around you in the event that you wanted it in crisis or in any case.

MECHANO recognized a gigantic vacuum in three significant areas of Auto Repairing Industry. First; People across Pakistan didn't have a stage to settle on shrewd and effective decisions with respect to vehicle fixes. Mechano assumed liability to interface end clients with their close by auto fixing experts and Auto-shops according to their nitty gritty profiles. Second; Lack of straightforwardness in the costs of auto fixing administrations is a one more distressing experience for the greater part of us. Mechano fill this hole by giving clients the amazing chance to work out their auto fixing cost of vehicles, so they will not get clear prior to fixing their vehicles in their close by market. Third; the business has been slacking in giving standard vehicle fixing administrations to end clients which is an essential need for end clients. By stopping the issue from ever really developing, Mechano will send off a cross country organization of Certified Auto Repairing outlets, liable for vehicle wash, fixing and upkeep administrations of vehicles.

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